Teach the Gospel using Metaphors and Analogies with Taylor Halverson – Episode 5 – LDS MissionCast

March 1, 2018

Taylor HalversonOur first interview is a two part episode…sort of.  I interviewed Dr. Taylor Halverson who is a teaching and learning consultant at BYU. In other words, he helps teach BYU professors to be better teachers. He offers some much needed advice to all gospel teachers, but especially missionaries. In this first part we discuss the do’s and don’t of teaching the gospel using Metaphor or Analogy. In part 2 we offer an approach that Taylor calls, Talking is not Teaching. It is a complete re-framing of the approach to teaching the gospel that mirrors much of what is being rolled out in Sunday schools and in Priesthood and Relief society with the Come, Follow Me style of gospel learning. This episode is one you are going to want to listen to a number of times to make sure you have these things ingrained in your approach to teaching the gospel. Part 2 will be on next weeks episode, so stay tuned for that.

Link from our interview with Taylor:


Mike Anderson KSL reporterFollowing that Shawn Rapier from the Latter-day Lives Podcast where he interviews  TV news reporter Mike Anderson about a fun mission story from his mission to England. Mike can be seen almost every night of the week on the NBC affiliate in Salt Lake City, KSL. His inspiring story helps us to see how no service in the work of the Lord is wasted. To hear the full interview with Mike Anderson, click here.

Missionary News:



the music for this episode comes from LDS Musician, April Meservy. This is her version of the song, “With or Without You” originally by U2. This song became world famous these last two weeks because it was used by the Olympic Figure skating team from Canada. They won a gold medal and a bronze medal and this was the song they performed to. Thank you to April Meservy for letting us use this music and visit her on Facebook to see some of the excitement that came from her with that experience. April Meservy With or Without You


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